We launched Join In Jackson in January 2020 to encourage community involvement in and around our hometown in Jackson County, Michigan. Taking our expert knowledge and experience of crafting amazing local content pieces for our hospitality clients and merging that with our love for our local community, we set out to create a content-based community resource showcasing the very best of Jackson Michigan: things to do, places to go, and ways to get involved in the life of the community.
And while creating a content-based community resource, we provided ourselves with an opportunity to try and test new relationship-building strategies, experiment with different types of content, and think outside the box when it comes to reaching our ideal audience. This not only helps us to sharpen our craft for our clients and prove our methods, but it also creates an open book showcase of our best practices for future clients to watch and observe.
Why Join in Jackson?
As relatively new Jacksonians, we wanted to know more about our hometown and we weren’t finding that information easily accessible online. We wanted to provide a resource that would be a destination for local residents to find out how to join in Jackson – to know what’s happening and where to enjoy the best that Jackson County has to offer.
Where to Eat in Jackson Michigan
A search for the best local restaurants in Jackson Michigan brought up results from ratings-based websites, but it didn’t give us the “insider” tips and suggestions we’d get from asking our local friends. We created a list of some of the best restaurants in Jackson Michigan, complete with commentary from locals who frequent them.

Where to Play in Jackson Michigan
Knowing which trails were pet-friendly, bike-friendly, and/or heavily-trafficked wasn’t easy to determine online, but as we’ve explored and talked to our neighbors, we’ve been able to put together a master list of the best trails in Jackson County Michigan that will help others in our community take advantage of these amazing resources.

What to Do in Jackson Michigan
Jackson Michigan and its surrounding towns are home to some pretty amazing events and festivals, many of which attract people from all over the state. But what about the community festival happening this weekend, the free movie being shown tomorrow night at the fairgrounds, or the local band playing at one of the area’s favorite watering holes? The Join in Jackson (Michigan) community events calendar (emailed weekly to over 2000 Jackson County households) has become the go-to place for Jackson County residents to find out what’s happening in Jackson County – to learn more about the events in Jackson Michigan happening this week.
Supporting Local Businesses in Jackson Michigan
Not only have we been able to become the go-to resource for the best things to do in Jackson County Michigan, but we have been able to partner with local businesses through sponsored content, unique advertising opportunities, quarterly giveaways, and the #BuyInJackson campaign.
Sponsored Content
Our partnerships with local small businesses go beyond pasting their logo on our website. We create unique conversational content that engages our readers and followers, encouraging them to support our partners, joining in community together. Whether it’s a sponsored article on our website, social media shoutouts, or featured partner spotlights in our weekly emails, we offer a variety of opportunities for local businesses to reach an engaged target audience of Jackson residents.

Quarterly Giveaways
We have seen great success with our quarterly giveaways. Each quarter we’ve chosen 4-6 local businesses that offer a unique product or service specific to the season. A full-length blog article, social media shares, and traditional media partnerships are used to promote the giveaway and businesses included to encourage local Jackson County residents to frequent these businesses as they enjoy that particular season in Jackson.

#BuyInJackson Initiative
We were able to launch the #BuyInJackson initiative when stay-at-home orders tried to shut down our local economy. Our initiative was instrumental in helping to encourage Jackson County residents to support local businesses during this trying time, helping to keep dollars in our community and doors open on local streets. We’re excited to continue partnering with local Jackson County businesses through this initiative in the years to come!
Let’s Join in Jackson Michigan
Whether you’re a local Jacksonian or you’re just passing through Jackson County, MI, if you want to know what the locals are up to – where they’re eating, where they’re playing, or what they’re doing – Join in Jackson is the go-to resource for you!